In purchasing, international buyers agree to accept the risk of arrival. We cannot replace lost or seized items. We do not ship any live plants internationally because they generally will not pass customs. Seeds and plant products can sometimes have extra regulations that vary from country to country. The vast majority of our shipments arrive ok. We ship worldwide, but we generally leave it up to the buyer to be responsible for their own country’s import process. If there is something we know will not pass or that we cannot send, we will let you know.
1. Seeds and other plant products are subject to greater scrutiny than other items when it comes to customs. This creates much more need for the type of policy we have than it would for another type of business. The laws of each country are different. While a plant species may be legal to possess and even grow in a given country, they may have certain restrictions on importation. Every order presents some risk, even if you have ordered successfully from us before.
2. We do a large amount of international business with hundreds of international orders per month. While the percentage of problems is low, there are still a few orders per month that go missing. We simply cannot endure the loss for every one of these instances. It would cause instability in our overall business plan, which would ultimately lead to higher prices or refusal to ship internationally.
3. Splitting Up an Order: If you prefer to have items in your order split into more than one package, you can contact us for a quote and to arrange that.
We no longer have Paypal as an option. We used them for many years until 2017. Even though we have hundreds of products, their policies changed to conflict with some of the items we offer. Customers worldwide have come to know us for one of the most diverse selections of unique products in the world. So it is not by choice that we do not use Paypal. It is just as inconvenient on our end. But that is the price of offering the full selection we have.
If this does not work for you, you do not need to cancel an order or even contact us about it. We only ship orders by payments received.
1. Bitcoin: We can take Bitcoin payments worldwide. To pay by Bitcoin simply place your order on the website. Then reach out to our designated email: We will generate a fresh address for your order. You can pay, and then reply back to confirm with us, and we will process the order.
2. International Money Order: We can take international money order in USD by mail using the order form. The order form is found in the footer of the home page. All details for payment are on there.
3. Bank Wire: We can take bank wire on order over $500. Bank wire incurs a fee of $15 for us to receive. So we have a limit on the amount of the transaction. If you wish to cover the fee, we can take a wire for any amount. But if you contact us, we can try to work out other options.
4. Other Options: We are pretty open to any payment options you have. The only reason we do not have other forms of digital payment is because of the policies by those institutions that marginalize natural products. But please do not email us about using Paypal or credit card. We already know is is easier, but there is no way to change that.